I thoughugt I'd have a go at typing my fuvking 400 wotds befoir I'd gonr to brd nyt after going out with the saki clud at Rd Nobb. Bo;l;locks; thoisw is nmy cfontribution. and if oit's not between 350m and 400 words bolocks. Do yo know hpow to sepafrate the3 hom+osexual woman from th e heterosexual totty? Sexulk oriention is unimportyant but I'd feel fooljksh flirtyng with so=mone non-resopmsnive. There's many man'd like to p[leasure and may that'd like to be pleasured by a womwan.
It may not be anyj good nut it's what I cAN Do. PS I want Kayleigh, sjhe's fcuking tops.
Some time later - Translation: “for those not fluent in drunk”.
I thought I'd have a go at typing my 400 words after I'd gone out with the ski club to Red Knob. Bollocks, this is my contribution and if it's not between 350 and 400 words; bollocks. Do you know how to identify if you're chatting up a homosexual woman instead of a heterosexual totty? Sexual orientation is unimportant but many would feel foolish flirting with someone non-responsive. There's many women a man would like to pleasure but there are as many women that want to pleasure other women.
It may not be any good but it's what I can do.
PS: I want Kayleigh. She's lovely
Much later still - The final draft:
It's very late and I've still to complete my journal. It's not a chore but somehow events of the day have overtaken me; usual sort of things, lectures, shopping, cooking: Oh, and my first introduction to the ski and board club.
The ski and board club meet at Soar Point every Thursday and reserve the area at the end of the bar for their social gathering. You'd be hard pressed to find a more open and friendly cross section of society; all hell bent on enjoying themselves. The beer flowed quicker than the Soar and I'm afraid to say that I had quite a lot to drink. Fortunately, writing my journal has sobered me up. The time in the bottom right-hand corner of my laptop shines out 3am. That’s not too late to phone my friend K; she‘ll love to hear from me: it's good to talk.
I've no idea how this blog will develop, suffice to say I expect it to evolve during the next three years; during this time I shall be attending a British university and fulfilling the role of a mature student. +++++++++If you'd like to email you can at+++ mature.student@yahoo.co.uk
Blog Archive
- Dental Drill
- Away from the Numbers
- wretched (a villanelle)
- A Pillow Dent. (a Rondeau)
- New White. (in Triolet)
- First time
- This is a Villanelle for Joint BA (Creative Writin...
- First Time
- All my Sons, 13th October, Curve Theatre, Arthur M...
- Half-empty Day
- Thursday
- My Teacher.
- My Room.
- Epitaph
- Journal - Day 1 - 6th October